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  • Writer's pictureKaren

The shower scene.

HiBar Shampoo & Conditioner

I found it.

The solution to my haircare woes.

I am desperately reducing plastic use. Especially one-time single-use plastic, because, you know, -- plastic sucks. Sometimes it does feel quite desperate. The need to reduce and abandon the things that are hurting our planet and wildlife.

I started thinking about what I buy and how it is packaged. I stopped buying laundry detergent in plastic jugs. I find small plastic parts on most things that I get from the grocery store--a screw-top lid, a piece of sealing plastic, an inner bag, the list of plastic parts that come along with everything we buy is endless. I have pondered where these useless, unwanted plastic parts end up.

When I find a product that is not only free of any plastic packaging or extra plastic parts, and it's a great product, you get my attention. HiBar shampoo and conditioner is that product. Their mission is to "Inspire a movement away from single-use plastic."

You can read about the company on their website here.

I was looking for a bar shampoo and conditioner. There are many brands to choose from. After only two shampoos, my hair fell in love.

If you are into plastic-free products, I highly recommend HiBar.

You can see what they have to offer on the Shop tab on their website.

Their marketing is pretty rad too.

Save the world and look good doing it.

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1 Comment

May 11, 2021

Loving your writings! Keep it up! Rejoicing in you.

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